Silver Used By Goverments To Help Fight The Spread Of Deadly Contagions And Bioterorism
The Headlines Are Not Good:
Pandemic Is Inevitable, Govt. Officials Say Nov. 2, 2005 —
ABC News Online Scientists Warn of Possibility of Drug-Resistant Avian Flu 11 October, 2005
Channel News Asia Bush Plan Shows U.S. Is Not Ready for Deadly Flu October 8, 2005
New York TimesU.S. Plans for Scenario of 1.9 Million Flu Deaths October 9, 2005
Los Angeles Times – The newspaper headlines and television news broadcasts are filled with constant reminders that there are viral, bacterial and fungal threats for which medical science has no effective treatment. People are dying daily, in alarming numbers around the world, from diseases that resist all currently available antibiotics. Diseases that used to succumb to antibiotics have mutated into new forms that are now resistant to traditional treatment. They are even rampant in our hospitals.
Flood-damaged New Orleans HospitalsTo Be Closed Wed Oct 5 2005, 4:23 PM ET Yahoo NewsGulf Wracked By Katrina’s Latest Legacy Disease, Poisons, Mold National Geographic News –September 30, 2005
Natural disasters, hurricanes and earthquakes, are on the increase as our planet reacts to environmental changes wrought by global warming, pollution and other factors. After such recent catastrophic events as hurricanes Katrina and Rita, we saw the complete collapse of all municipal services and health care. With sewage disposal, power and fresh water supplies off line, the potential for epidemic outbreaks rises exponentially.Is America Ready For Bio-Terrorism?CBS News –Feb. 7, 2003
Rural America Vulnerable to Bioterrorism and Natural Disaster Threats 22 Mar, 2005 Medical News Today The probability of an act of bio-terrorism, involving a manufactured viral or bacterial pathogen, looms larger everyday. It is virtually impossible for the authorities to plan an effective defense against all of the known infectious agents that might possibly be used in such an attack… let alone those new genetically modified pathogens created in a clandestine laboratory.As the Katrina disaster in New Orleans graphically demonstrated; when the system breaks…you are on your own.
Bird Flu :
Allergies, Acne, Antrax, Athlete’s foot, Bladder infections, Inflammation, Blood Parasites, Blood-Poison, Boils, Burns, Candide
Yeast Infection, Chilblains, Cholera, Conjunctivitis, Cold Sores, Colitis, Cyst-isis, Dermatitis, Diabetes caused by infection, Diphtheria, Diarrhea, Dermatitis, Dysentery, Eczema, Fibrosities, Gangrene, Gonorrhea, Herpes, HIV Virus, Impetigo,
Influenza, Indigestion, Intestinal Infections, Kreatitis, Leprosy, Leukemia, Lupus, Lymphangitis, Lyme Disease, Malaria, Meningitis, Multiple Sclerosis, Neurasthenic, Parasitic Infections (oral and fungal), Pneumonia, Pleurisy, Prostatitis, Priritis
Ani, Psoriasis, Purulence, Ophthalmia, Rhinitis, Rheumatism, Ring-worm, Rosacea, Scarlet Fever, Septic Conditions of the eyes, ears, mouth and throat, Sevorrhes, Shingles, Sinus Infections, Staph Infections, Strep Infections, Stomach Ulcer, Syphilis, Thyroid, Tonsillitis, Toxemia, Trachoma, Trench-Foot, Tuberculosis, Ulcers, All forms of Virus, Warts, Whooping Cough and Yeast Infections.
The following is a partial list of the more than 650 diseases that Silver has been used successfully against:
acne, acne rosacea, AIDS (Ref-2), allergies, appendicitis, arthritis, athlete’s foot, tuberculosis, bladder inflammation, blood
parasites (cause gray hair), blood poisoning, boils, bubonic plague, burns, cancer (Ref-7,8), candida , chilblains, cholera, colitis , conjunctivitis, cystitis, diabetes (Ref-1), dysentery, eczema, fibrositis, gastritis, gonorrhea, hay fever, herpes, impetigo,
indigestion, keratitis, leprosy, leukemia, lupus, lymphangitis, lyme disease, malaria, meningitis, neurasthenia, parasitic infections both viral and fungal, pneumonia, pleurisy, prostate, pruritus ani, psoriasis, purulent ophthalmia, rhinitis,
rheumatism, ringworm, scarlet fever, septic conditions of the eyes, ears, mouth and throat, seborrhea, septicemia, shingles, skin cancer, staph infections, strep infections, syphilis, thyroid, tonsillitis, toxemia, trachoma, trenchfoot, dermatitis, all forms of virus, warts, whooping cough, yeast infection , stomach ulcer, and also canine parvovirus and other veterinary uses. Also in all bacterial, fungal and viral attacks on plants. Simply spray diluted Silver on the leaves and add to soil water. (Ref-1,2,3,4,7,8,11,12)